Friday, August 13, 2010

What's wrong with the world these days ?

For the 1st time in weeks, if not months, I managed to watch the news, more precisely Buletin Utama last nite, just after buka puasa. The primary news was that of a murder of a 13-year old student, who was slit on the throat by his friend, a 16-year old. I'd read about the murder in the Star Online in the morning, but at that time they haven't catch the alleged killer. In the news there he was. Just imagine. For what reason could a 16-year old have to kill somebody ? & he even went on the continue with his class in school after killing his friend. I could only imagine... If it were up to me, I'd have killed a considerable number of ppl in my life.. I would have loved to kill my thesis supervisor who gave me a C+ instead of the B+ I required to get 2nd class lower degree... hahah... These days ppl are getting killed for much, much less.

Then there's the news about a 70-year old who was hacked to death by his neighbour over a house renovation dispute. The offender was 64 years old. A house renovation dispute. Haih... some ppl got killed over a parking space.. some ppl got killed becoz his handphone's ringtone was too loud... some ppl would get killed just becoz of the way he was looking at somebody.. (remember,"Apa pandang2 ? Nak mampos ?). The devil must be having a field day yesterday... Wait.. the devil are being tied up now.. it's the fasting month... Some ppl might not even need the devil to kill ppl...

Capital punishment for baby dumpers

The Cabinet has approved the act to punish baby dumpers with capital punishment if found guilty. With that, baby dumpers will be charged with murder (punishable by death) or attempted murder (punishable by 30 years in prison). Hopefully with this, it will deter would-be baby dumpers to think twice.

But is that really the solution to the problem ? Capital punishment is exactly that, to punish. But they dun address the root cause of baby dumping. The powers that be shud be looking at ways to prevent those teenagers from ever engaging in sexual activities. For me, the main source is the internet. U can find all sorts of sexual contents online. Even with the most sophisticated firewalls or content filtering software, it doesn't do any good. Ppl thought they can censor the Internet. Now they found out that there's no censoring the Internet.

I read Tun Mahathir's blog posting about this matter. He said that there must be a concerted effort among all the countries in the world to denounce pornography. If everybody in the world act together, then we can stop porn contents from circulating freely in the Net. I think he's right. But another thing to remember is that porn industry is a multi billion dollar industry, just like drugs. That's why it's very difficult the get rid of them.

Well, the least we can do is try. If we dun try then we won't know.

Bazaar Ramadhan

Hari Rabu lepas umat Islam seluruh Malaysia mula berpuasa Ramadhan. Macam biasa la, bagi org2 yang bekerja, especially dua2 husband & wife keja, mmg tak sempat nak masak ape2 time buka. Mungkin kalu nak buat tu mmg buleh, tp beli lagi senang la. Kat depan ofis aku ni mmg port bazaar Ramadhan terbesar kat Putrajaya. Tp aku belum lagi menjejakkan kaki ke bazaar tu, sbb malas org ramai sgt. Dan dah gerenti menda2 kesukaan aku mmg ramai org beratur punye.

So hari Rabu tu aku & wife (tak keja, MC) pegi la ke bazaar kat area rumah kitorg tu je. Kecik je, dalam 100m je panjangnye. Aku dapatla ape yg aku ndak, nasi lemak ayam goreng rempah. Tp kesian kat wife aku, nasi kerabu yg dia beli, mmg tak sedap langsung. Mcm tanak bagi org makan je. Pastu semlm dia beli pulak murtabak, mmg ade sorg je yg jual murtabak kat situ. Bila aku makan aku nak tergelak... langsung xde rasa. Masin pun tidak.. manis pun tidak.. pedas jauh skali... Dahla kecik... ade la besar tapak tangan aku.. dua hengget.. langsung tak berasa.

Kengkadang aku tertanye2... org2 yg jual makanan ni.. dia makan tak makanan yg dia jual tu ? Kalu makan takkan dia tak rasa... sedap ke, idak ke.. Aku penah berjual kat bazaar Ramadhan skali.. dulu la.. tahun 1998, tolong mak aku. Bukan nak cakap besar, tp mak aku masak mmg sedap. Dan yg seronoknye, bila dia berjual pun, dia akan masak macam dia masak kat rumah jugak.. so mmg sedap. & alhamdulillah, menda2 yg kitorg jual (nasi beriyani, pecal, lauk2), mmg habis almost hari2. Tu satu contoh yang baik.. org yg mmg tahu memasak & mmg sedap, bukak gerai, jual kat org, suma org pun dapat merasa kesedapan masakannye.

Tp yg jual murtabak tawar, nasi kerabu takde rasa, kuih keria keras... diorg ni agaknye semata2 nak menjual je la. Kita yg membeli ni kadang2 rasa tertipu, & tak berbaloi nak menyabung tekak membeli masakan2 yg mmg tak layak utk dijual ni. Ape agaknye rasa org2 yg menjual ni ? "Lantak ko la situ, peduli ape aku sedap ke tak, janji org beli." Camtu ke agaknye diorg fikir ? Kalu camtu, mmg tak ikhlas la. Tak berkat. Dan aku rasa, paling lama pun seminggu la org beli dari diorg ni. Kalu tahan lama pun, sbb dah takde pilihan. Bagi aku, walaupun murtabak tu mmg favorite aku, baik aku makan capati la.. dh tentu mmg tawar.

Thn ni kami suami isteri ade strategi baru dalam berbuka. Thn2 lepas kitorg tak makan berat2 masa buka, biasanye mkn murtabak, pastu ade la kuih2 skit. Kengkadang makan mihun ke, kueytiaw ke. Pastu malam pas terawikh baru makan berat. Salah strategi rupanye... So thn ni, time buka je kitorg dah belasah nasik.. pastu tak makan ape sampai la sahur. Kalu makan pun mungkin buah2, atau yg ringan2 je. So kitorg takle tidur dgn perut kenyang. & dgn strategi ni, mungkin berat aku akan dapat turun lebih skit la... Wallahu'alam.


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