Monday, September 28, 2009

Back To Work !!!

The ride

Today's my first day riding to work after more than 2 months. I was quite nervous, but then again, I've been thru this situation before, but this one was more serious. I've already decided to take the motorbike lane becoz riding in the lane is the perfect way to regain my riding skills & confidence. The long, sweeping, fast corners are the perfect setup for my.. err.. training ride.

It all went well, but just before I reached my crash site, just before the toll plaza, a dog suddenly jumped into the bike lane. I was going at proly 100 km/h & of course I was surprised to see a dog in my way. The dog itself looked confused & looked like it didn't want to move over. But then, I kept on going, honked a bit & the dog jumped outta the way. To get into that kinda situation, just a couple hundred meters from the site of my worse crash to date, on my 1st day back to work.... hahah... Of course, I dun believe in those kinda things.

I reached the USJ bridge at 7:30, pretty early. So I decided to just cruise in at about 100 km/h & I got to the office at about 7:50 am. Syukur alhamdulillah.

1st day at work

When I first got into my room, I didn't know what to do. I mean, I had my routine, of course, but it's been 2 months & everybody was pretty much still in Raya mood. So I had to take some time to quietly settle back into my routine. After that I went around the office, just to meet everybody. & I also went to meet Pn Hazanah of course. It's like my 1st day reporting in.

Resuming training

I'd started running about 3 weeks ago, during the fasting month. I didn't have much problem. But when I ran the 1st time after puasa, in Kampung Amir (wifey's hometown), my old injury return, the pain in the area just above the ankle. I had this injury wayyyy back when I 1st started running. But then it disappeared. It was not that painful, but it did affect my running. So much that I had to cut short my long training run yesterday. I practically had to tip-toe pretty much the whole 6 km. I wanted to run again in the afternoon, to make up for the short run in the morning, but then I thought rest would be a better choice. Nevertheless, I'ma go back to the gym today, to do whatever I can to fix that leg. My next race will be on the 25/10, Mizuno Wave Run.

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