Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cramps !!!

I've been running for quite a while now. I've entered 2 races this year, with about 6-7 to go. I've run in cold weather, hot weather, in the morning, in the afternoon. I've never suffered cramps. Not once. Until this morning.

I woke up much earlier than usual. & I started my run earlier than usual as well, at 6.45. My goal for today's run was to reduce the time difference between lap 1 & lap 2. In other words, I wanted to control my efforts, so that I won't slowdown too much in the second lap.

But my run was hampered by muscle cramps on my right calf. Normally that particular muscle would hurt as soon as I finished running. But this morning, while descending the pretty steep hill in my 1st lap, it started to hurt. & by the time I reached my water bottle in the beginning of the 2nd lap, it was hurting so bad I wanted to stop. As usual, during difficult times like that, I would think of some motivation, & Paula Radcliff's run (while suffering from severe cramps) during the Beijing Olympics came to mind. So, after a couple of sip from my bottle, I stopped briefly to stretch that calf & I continued running.

At first it seemed like a mistake. I was reduced to walking-pace & had to literally run with only one good leg. But I kept going & by the time I descend the hill for the 2nd time, I was okay & could even up the pace a little. The result was I was actually faster during the last split of the 2nd lap & I'd actually improved my time by 1/60th of a second (from before Setia Alam). So, I guess it was okay after all.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

What do we learn in school ?

I was reading a blog post in Che Det, the blog by our former PM & actually, the only blog that I follow & read. It was about his meeting with a parent that has some problems: his kids dunno nuts about history of Malaysia. I feel very sad about this. What has become of our education system ? What do kids learn in schools nowadays ? & then there was this news about ppl calling for the govt to make it easier for students to get certificates in school, PMR, SPM. What is this ?

I left school 16 years ago. I left the education system 7 years ago. My schooldays was one of the sweetest memories of my childhood. I wasn't really that good in school. But I faced my weaknesses, not run away from them. My favorite subject was History. It still is my favorite subject now. Why do I like history ? I believe we shud learn from what happened in the past, & analyze our mistakes & learn from them, so that we won't repeat them. My life has been about mistakes & learning from them. I believe the best quality in a person is to learn from our mistakes & to avoid doing them again. If I dun believe in that then I'd be a Mat Rempit after I failed my first degree course in UTM 14 years ago.

Those who dun believe in History, they will not know why some things are the way they are now. Those who know but choose to forget their history, they tend to repeat the same mistakes again & again. Some things in our country now, the way we live, the way our great society was formed, originated more than 50 years ago, well before our independence. Our great forefathers made deals, took risks, & our society today is the result. It is sad that some of our so-called leaders nowadays question their decisions.

Now, I'm quite puzzled why some ppl want to have the govt make it easier to obtain school exam certs. To me, it is similar to the case of the durians. I remember when I was a little child, every durian season is like a festival in my kampung near Pasir Salak, Perak. My arwah Atuk had many dusun. During the durian season, these dusun owners can live like a king until the next durian season. Why ? Becoz back then, durian season only comes once in a year, & the fruit was so expensive. Then the smart ppl in MARDI decided that becoz it's so good, they did research to enable the durian to bear fruit all year long, instead of having to wait. The result ? Becoz durian is available all year long, nobody appreciates them anymore. It becomes a common fruit. All those dusun owners cannot make a living out of selling durians alone. MARDI: ooops !!

If the UPSR, PMR, SPM & STPM certs are so easy to get, then nobody would appreciate them no more. We can even see the effects now with Degree holders. There are sooo many degree holders seeking for jobs that companies have started to look for Masters holders. A degree alone won't suffice. U must have additional advantage, becoz everybody has a degree. I learned this the hard way after completing my degree. Companies would look if U have this MCSE or CCNA when applying for jobs in the IT industry.

For me, it's okay to make it a little bit harder to get the SPM or PMRs, as long as the quality is there. There's no point in getting 15 As when later U struggle in the varsity. Quit chasing those A's, & start focusing on getting real education in schools.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Setia Alam pics from Klang Pacers

I found 2 pics from Klang Pacers website. Ade gak orang nak amik gambar aku.....

My running calendar 2009

  1. 10 May - Larian Bomba 2009 (1:04.37)
  2. 17 May - PACM NB 15K (DNS)
  3. 7 June - Setia Alam Klang Pacers NB 11K (1:05.55, #96)
  4. 28 June - Standard Chartered KL International Marathon 10K (1:01.09, #248)
  5. 12 July - Pesta Sukan Treasury 10,000m
  6. 19 July - Siemens Run 10K
  7. 2 August - Adidas King Of The Road 10K
  8. 25 Oct - Mizuno Wave Run
  9. 20 Dec - Malakoff 12km

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mari belajar bahasa...

Disebabkan aku nak bercerita pasal Bahasa Melayu, so aku tulis BM la....

AMARAN: Menda ni adalah pendapat peribadi, takde kena-mengena dengan yang hidup atau yg dh mati atau yg dah nak mati sangat...

Skang ni org dok sibuk cakap pasal pembelajaran English kat sekolah. Ade setengah pihak yang mempertahankan polisi yang tak sampai 5-6 tahun kat sekolah ni. Ade plak yang bermati-matian nak hapuskan polisi ni, siap buat persatuan, siap buat tunjuk perasaan kat KL, dan mcm2 lagi la. Sapa yang jadik mangsa agaknya ? Dah tentulah budak2 sekolah yang g sekolah belajar. Yang dok bagi pendapat macam2 ni sama ada dah berpuluh tahun abis sekolah atau yang tak pernah belajar English kat sekolah pun. Takde sapa la pulak nak gi tanya kat budak2 sekolah ni ape pandangan diorg. Kebanyakan polisi kat Malaysia ni, inilah masalahnya. Tak pernah nak tanya kepada orang2 yang akan menggunakan atau menerima kesan daripada polisi tu. Suma pakai buat study lebih kurang, sampel ade la 200-300 orang, present2, lobi2, pastu implemen.

Sudah menjadi lumrah manusia. Kita akan jadik takut kepada menda2 yang kita tak kenal atau tak tahu. Bila disuruh cuba menda2 baru, kita terus akan menjadi defensif, tak mo try, tak mo ubah. Walaupun menda2 tu sebenarnya adalah untuk kebaikan kita. 

Bila kita pergi ke kedai buku atau perpustakaan, bila kita pegi carik buku2 rujukan, agak2nya la, majoriti buku2 tu dalam bahasa ape ? Bila kita pegi universiti, kecuali UKM, buku2 kejuruteraan, komputer, dalam bahasa ape agaknya ? Pernah tak sesapa cuba terjemahkan 2-3 ayat je daripada teks buku2 yang bukan dalam bahasa Melayu tu kepada bahasa Melayu ? Susah kan ? Masa kat sekolah & universiti dulu, aku amik upah menterjemahkan menda2 rujukan dalam English kepada bhs Melayu. Bukan senang. Silap translate buleh lari berbatu2 maknanya. Mantan PM kita yang ke 4, seorang yang amat2 berpandangan jauh, nampak masalah ini. So, idea dia yelah, ape kata, kalu kat sekolah, kita terus je ajar subjek2 yang teknikal ni, dalam English ? So nnt, bila masuk universiti ke kolej ke, takde la susah sangat. 

Bukan suruh bhs pengantar sekolah ditukar ke English pun. Dua subjek je. Dua subjek daripada tah berapa puluh yg diajar kat sekolah tu. 

Byk orang kata, mengajar dua subjek tu dalam English akan memusnahkan masa depan budak2 luar bandar. Ape, budak2 luar bandar ni tak pandai ke ? Takde ke budak2 luar bandar yang berjaya kat universiti ? Yang speaking lebih berabuk dari Mr Bean ? Ade kan ? Boleh pulak ? Masalahnye, belum pun budak2 ni belajar, abg2, kakak2, pakcik makcik dh cakap dah,"Uiih, abisla kamu, kena belajar bahasa omputih. Lepas ni tak reti la kamu ckp Melayu lagi dah. Tah2 esok smayang pun lupa dah." Aku percaya, kalu diberi peluang belajar, ramai budak2 luar bandar yang nak sangat2 belajar English yang lebih advanced daripada yang diajar di sekolah2. 

Ade pihak plak cakap, menghancurkan identiti Melayu. Aku ingat sangat2 klip yang kuar dalam Buletin Utama TV3 tu, ade mamat ni, dengan headband siap, ckp depan kamera TV,"Bahasa Melayu hancur !!" Yang bestnya, mamat ni pakai jeans. Dlm beribu orang yang tunjuk perasaan tu, yang pakai baju Melayu sorang je aku rasa. Dia punya chief tu la. Agaknya dia pun termalu sendrik. Yang pakai kot pun ade. Melayu sangatla agaknya.

Adekah dengan pandai cakap English, seseorg Melayu itu kurang Melayu ? Atau dengan belajar bahasa2 lain, kurang Melayukah kita ni ? Agaknya la, Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman dulu, masa dia pergi ke London nak berunding utk kita ni merdeka, dia ckp Melayu ke dgn org2 British tu ? Kalu ye agaknya, sampai skang ni kita tak merdeka. Org British tak paham. Ape maknanya tu ? Kita kena pandai menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan. 

Dulu masa penjajah mengamalkan dasar pengasingan kaum, orang India dibiarkan kat estet2, sekolah takde, ape pun takde. Orang Melayu plak, nak dibiarkan kat kampung2, takyah susah2 belajar ckp omputih pun. Orang Cina plak, letak kat pekan2, bandar2. Bersusah payahla orang2 Melayu dulu nak ke sekolah omputih, nak belajar suma subjek dalam English, bukan Maths & Sains je. Dapatla sijil Senior Cambridge. Skang ni, suma menda di sponsor, cikgu ade, kelas aircond ade, laptop ade, suma ade. Taknak pulak belajar. Siap nak tunjuk2 perasaan lagi. 

Aku rasa, kita ni takyahla nak takut belajar English ni. Takkan hilang de budaya kita kalu kita pandai lagi satu bahasa. Kalu rasa2 tak pandai, pandai2 kan la. Kena la usaha lebih skit. Ini tak, suh belajar lebih skit, elegik, sakit perut. Suma nak ade depan mata. Kalu buleh agaknya, English tu pun nak belajar dlm bahasa Melayu. Jangan macam tu. Dengan menguasai English, bermakna akan lebih mudahla kita menguasai ilmu. Suma buku2, teks2 dlm English kit abuleh baca dgn begitu shj, takyah translate2. First hand. Skang ni, kat internet, suma dlm English. Jangan la pegi, pegi la baca Wikipedia ke, ke. 



Sunday, June 7, 2009

Klang Pacers Setia Alam 11K

My 2nd race of the year. In a place where I grew up. Well, not exactly in Setia Alam, but I grew up in Klang. That time Setia Alam was still a palm plantation.

I was late to the start, this time even later than I was in Larian Bomba. We left home before 6, & when we got to the start, they've just flagged off the half marathoners. & to make it even better, the parking's full & we had to make one big round just to park. So I stopped the car just after the starting point, put on my shoes & ran to the start while my wife park the car. I got to the start just in time. The gun went off just as I was tying my shoelaces. Damn !!

I was looking for one particular person, an uncle I knew from my days of playing basketball in Bkt Jelutong. I met him during Larian Bomba. I never knew his name. He was in his 50's I'd reckoned. & he wasn't that difficult to spot, as he was a very tall person. I spotted him & went alongside him & said hello. He said that I shud've run the half mara. Yeah, right. I decided to use him as my pacer. 

The course was flat thruout, except for .. about 3-4 flyovers. I had to go for the 1st water station as I didn't get to drink before the start. I stayed close to the uncle for most of the race, but I finally lost him with about 2km to go. The ultimate motivation for this kinda race is to avoid finishing after those uncles & aunties. At KM8 the half mara leaders went right pass me. It was just an awesome sight. The way these guys are running... was just awesome. 

I was targetting for a sub-1 hour time, but as I was cresting the last flyover I knew I couldn't do it. I got to the line & was given #96 & my self-clocked time was 1:05.55. Not that bad actually. I'd improved from Larian Bomba & I was actually running at 5:59 pace, & that means I could run a sub-hour 10K assuming I can maintain the pace. I also got my first finisher's medal. Not bad.

The atmosphere at the Setia Alam Welcome Centre was great. Most of the 11K runners had finished so there was quite a number of ppl there. Once I found my wife, I went for the 100 Plus booth to get some drinks. Then right next to it was this fruit booth & I got myself a couple of bananas. The winner for the 11K was clocked at 38 mins. The half marathon winner arrived earlier than I did, & guess what ? The Senior Open category time (1:12.30) was actually faster than the Men's Open winner (1:12.55).

Overall I think it was worth all the trouble. I look forward for the Standard Chartered KL International Marathon on the 28th. 


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Night before the race

Tomorrow's gonna be my first race since Larian Bomba in May. In the morning I went to Setia Alam Welcome Centre to collect my race kit with my wife. I'd earlier done a warm-up run at about 7am, just to make sure I'm free of injuries.

I was quite surprised when I checked my race kit, I got a vest instead of a tshirt. It was a pleasant surprise anyway. & since I won't be able to use this vest other than during a race, I've decided to use it tomorrow. My wife had some issues with the vest, she told me that she's gonna keep it as soon as the race is over. Why ? Only she knows why. 

I've stuffed myself with food today. My uncle had a birthday party for his youngest child & only son, so we went over. They had my favorite roti jala on the menu, so I wasted no time in finishing 10 of those in one shot. Then I had some of those chocolate cake, some air tebu & I guess I'm ready for tomorrow, hahah. 

I'ma go to bed early. We have to leave before 6 am tomorrow, the half mara runners will be released by 6:15, so we dun wanna get caught in traffic. Good luck.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

27:55 ???

I went for my usual 5K run today, I kinda missed the road & I need to prepare for Setia Alam Half Marathon on Sunday. So, off I went at about 5:50, my goal today was to run a little bit faster than usual. I started off nicely & settled into a comfy pace, I'd reckon it to be in the region of 5:25 pace. How wrong I was...

Then, there was this incident just after I left the Masjid roundabout. I was starting the short climb into JPM when this car suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. I always run against the traffic. Then this guy came out & started pointing to the car right behind him. I thought that car bumped into him or something. But then I realized, that the car behind him, a Myvi I think, left a water bottle on the car's spoiler. & the Myvi owner didn't seemed to have any idea what was going on, & she started to panic I guess. So I just went over, picked up the water bottle, which was so close to falling over, & handed it over to her. She then realized what that was all about, winded down the window & took the water bottle from me. She just smiled & said sorry & thanks. I went on my way as quickly as possible, but I guess that cost me around 5 secs maybe.

I thought I had maintained a hard enuff pace. & I was really bummed when I got to the end. It was 27:55. Man... that was soooo close to 28. My last run was 27:45 & that day I didn't stop at 5K, I went to Taman Wawasan & continued running. On 8/5 I ran a 27:35. I thought I could've hit 27:10 or maybe 26. Damn !!!

This weekend I'ma run the Setia Alam Half Marathon. The course shud be flat, with occasional sharp incline at the elevated crossings. I'ma run the 11K. Yesterday I went over to Klang just to register. The registration cost me RM30. Getting to Klang to register costs me RM40. I hope it's worth it. I mean, in terms of organization & course la. The Klang Pacers president, SP Wong told me yesterday that since I was late, I'ma get only the t-shirt & not the vest. It was New Balance anyway. So I told him nevermind la, I undertand. I still haven't got the vest owed to me by Pacesetters. I hope they have something for me, I paid RM55 for a race I didn't run. I was sick. 

Well, tomorrow I'ma do the run again. This time with my race shoes, gotta get familiar with it, the last time I use it was a month ago at Larian Bomba. Mizuno Wave Aero. Well, hopefully I can run better tomorrow. 
